APTB Words

Here you can find explanations for the words we use at APTB. Similar to a glossary…

  • Another term borrowed from the Bitcoin world. There are a lot of issues, we could also see them as symptoms of the rotten system that will naturally be fixed when you unschool.

  • When a groupd of children following a common interest, work on a project together or meet regularly, they create a Club

  • Fiat means ‘by decree‘ or ‘let it be done‘, as in following the authorities demand without questioning it. It’s a term that is used in the Bitcoin space and which we’ve taken over at APTB to express our authoriy-immunity.

  • If someone decides to start to unschool their kids after you spoke to them about it, you have green-pilled the person.

    We don’t try to preach and convert people. However, we don’t hide that we unschool either, give our honest opinion about education, share our own experience or of those whose eye-opening books we’ve read.

  • An adult present at APTB who is ready to help a child when needed.

  • APTB followers, members, fans and supporters are called Plebbles.

    AJ came up with this term after the Bitcoin Atlantis conference where we had given away hand-painted pebbles. Bitcoiners call themselves plebs, so the combo of PEBBLES & PLEBS makes up the word for our tribe members.

  • It’s the name of our Co-Working space

  • We’ll meet once a week for Problem-Solving Time which all children and partners can attend. During these meetings we’ll discuss questions, what happened and things that need resolution. When we need to agree on something, every attendant has one vote and the majority of votes wins. This way we’ll construct a set of customs that apply to everyone and they will keep changing over time.

  • Our area of buildings that mainly kids use for different activities

    • book block

    • creative block

    • science block

    • sports block

    • cook block

    • etc

  • The work that parents do to unlearn what they were taught about parenting. In other words, to clear our conditioning.

  • Our members whose children are all under 4 years old.

    They are free to use all APTB areas, however, parents or people they have chosen as caretakers for their children, are in charge of looking after them.